Safeguarding and Welfare at Rutherglen LTC

Rutherglen LTC takes the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults very seriously and strives to ensure a safe environment for everyone using either of our venues or when participating in any club programmes and/or sponsored or organised activities or events.

Our primary focus is to minimise risk and, by so doing, deliver a positive tennis experience for everyone.

Welfare Officers - We have two Welfare Officers at the club - Lesley Tyre and Moira Henderson. Lesley and Moira work together to raise the profile and standards of safeguarding at Rutherglen LTC to ensure that safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility and everyone should feel safe. 

Please feel free to contact either Lesley (07802 655032 or or Moira (07434 492540 or if there is anything you are concerned about, or if you have any questions about safeguarding and welfare at the club.

Reporting a Concern - if you have any concerns you can also log them using the LTA Report a Concern portal - all concerns raised will be treated  confidentially and sensitively.

Child Supervision - in line with National NSPCC advice - all children under the age of 13 attending the club outside of coaching programmes and other organised club activities should be supervised by a parent or known adult.

Policies - please click on the links below to access our policies relating to Safeguarding and Welfare.